N Kaushik

How to convert an Evernote note to a markdown file

April 06, 2021

How to convert an Evernote note to a markdown file

Evernote doesn’t provide any way to export a note to markdown. You can export it to Evernote note format called .enex or HTML. But, there is an open-sourced tool that I found that can be used to convert a .enex file to markdown.


It is called evernote2md. You can download it from here. You can either use homebrew or download the installation file manually. You can download it to macOS, Linux, and windows.

Using homebrew, you can download using the below command:

brew install evernote2md

Once the installation is done, you need to first export your Evernote files to enex files. You can select multiple files in your desktop Evernote app, right-click on the notes and click on export notes to export the notes. Alternatively, you can also export the whole notebook.

Once the files are exported, you can convert them using the below command:

evernote2md (flags) [input] [output]
  • output: It is the output directory. If it is not given, ./notes are used.
  • input: It can be a file, a folder containing all files, or a glob pattern-like format/my*.enex.
  • flags: Different types of flags to use. —folders to put each file in a separate folder. —help to show all available commands, and —tagTemplate to use custom tags. Check this link to learn more about it.

You can also check the readme file to learn more about this library.

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